An Introduction

 It is high time for me to make a post explaining what I am doing here and what my aim is with this blog.

This should hopefully give some introspection in who I am, what I am doing here and where I want to go with the work that I do.

First of all I am Pim. I am an Autistic twat with a lot of opinions on a lot of subjects. I am a filthy "left wing rat" so don't expect any love for Conservatives or Liberals here. This blog will mostly be my outings on subjects regarding politics, especially politics that involve Autistic people. 

In a way this blog also serves as an extension of my youtube channel, here I will post about subjects that I think are either too small for their own video or subjects that I cannot adequately explain in video format. This does mean that my blog will go into the territory of theory and frustrations I run into in life so be prepared for that.

I have found it extremely difficult to really produce anything of substance regarding theory or finding a crowd so I can get my foot in the door. Part of this is related to my Autism of course. Society is not made for people like me, meaning I have to work with Neurotypical standards which makes life quite difficult for me often. However it is exactly because this is so difficult that I have to persevere. If I am not the one standing up for the rights of Neurodivergent people and myself, then no one is. As a group it is near impossible for us to let our voices be heard so support for us is limited, even among left wing groups and spheres. It is therefore only more important that people like me talk about the issues we run into and the way that society can be improved for us. 

This blog and my youtube channel will serve as one of those megaphones for this. I would like to see my blog and youtube channel as an old Roman communal board, where people can nail their complaints on. In a way this is an expression of myself and the views portrayed in this blog are mine alone. 

If you are open to reading about this stuff then you are welcome to follow this blog and listen in this regard. I will enable comments on probably every post I will ever make, with that said if you start yelling at me in the comments, post right wing or liberal crap or generally disturb the mood then I will have no qualms about deleting comments. Consider this your only warning.

Thank you all for reading,



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