
Showing posts from September, 2024

The failures of the Dutch highspeed rail project

  Recently the high-speed rail company Eurostar announced that they were considering scrapping their services to the Netherlands in the coming years due to increasing reliability problems, capacity problems and delays for the passengers(1). If implemented this would practically remove all proper high-speed rail from the Netherlands and cut us off from connections to London and Paris. While I do not like Eurostar much with their extremely high prices and seats being difficult to book on a short notice do I however completely understand where they are coming from and do I find this a troubling development.   Let me be clear. High speed rail is a good thing. If implemented properly it can pull large urban areas closer together and put short to medium distance flights out of business, something that is very much needed if we are truly serious about becoming a more sustainable society and for tackling climate change. However there is the crux. If implemented properly. It has become painfull